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Joshua had 35 cherries. He gave 8 to each of his sisters. He still has 3 left over. How many sisters does Joshua have?
Angel is making pizzas for 15 guests. If each person (including Angel) is expected to eat 2 slices, how many 8-slice pizzas should Angelo make?
Haileigh picks 5 apples every minute in the orchard. How many apples does she pick in 20 minutes?
There were 3 cats and 4 geese in the barnyard. How many total legs were there
Delia had a huge sticker collection. She had 280 stickers. Her friend, Bianca, had 155 stickers in her collection. How many more stickers did Delia have than Bianca?
Daryian bought 2 baseball hats for $15.25 each. He also bought 2 wrist bands for $2.50 each. How much money did he spend?
Issac’s bicycle cost $50 more than Na'eem’s bicycle. Na’eem's bicycle cost $180. How much did Issac’s bicycle cost?
Lidya & Poppy found this number pattern as part of the code on a keypad to unlock a vault. 27, 26, 24, 23, 21, __, __. What are the last two numbers they should punch in?
20, 18
Lennox was given this puzzling pattern and asked to complete it. Which two numbers should he should write next? 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25,
28, 31
Maya wrote the number 730,918. She challenged Alizon to rearrange the digits to create the highest possible number. What number did Alizon make?