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Potatoe Potato

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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is this photo from Cris Potato and his Best Friend?
yes it is
do you like french toast?
yes we do!
do you like pancakes?
yes we like pancakes!
do you like waffles?
yeah we like waffles!
(-_-) = No potatoes.
|:u( = Ñarigudo
is this a bamboozle or is it a bampoozle?
its a potato
do you like horses as much as Angelina Horsey?
qazwsxedcrfvtbyhnujhgyumngfghfgffg gum is yummy
yes it is
Does Cris Potato have potato vision?
Yes, he does
is a bald potato able to fly like a butterfly? or is it a bald butterfly able to eat potatoes?
a bald potato is able to fly like a butterfly
who is the man?
the man is the man
Is Mexican Cris the enemy of French DS? Or is ist Mexican DS the enemy of French Cris?
Mexican Cris VS French DS
Is Cris Potato a real potato? or does he eat potatoes?
He eats potatoes
How many baby sharks does it take to stop DarthStepher
123 or 124