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Cambridge Exam Speaking Prep - Flyers

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ask a question about Sarah's favorite restaurant (cheap / expensive)
Is it cheap or expensive? OR What's the pricing like? OR Is it affordable?
Ask a question about Sarah's favorite restaurant (time / open)
What time does the restaurant open? OR What time does it open?
Ask a question about Sarah's favorite restaurant (where)
Where is it? OR Where is Sarah's favorite restaurant? OR Where is it located?
Ask a question about Sarah's favorite restaurant (like eating)
What does she like eating there? OR What does she like to eat there?
Ask a question about Sarah's favorite restaurant (name)
What is Sarah's favorite restaurant called? OR What's the name of Sarah's favorite restaurant?
Tell me about the places you go to at the weekend.
What time do you go to bed at the weekend?
What do you eat for lunch on Sundays?
What do you do on Saturday evenings?
What clothes do you wear at the weekend?
What's inside Michael's rucksack?
A map.
How many pockets has Michael's rucksack got?
Is Michael's rucksack big or small?
It's big.
What color is Michael's rucksack?
It's blue.
Where did Michael buy his rucksack?
At the supermarket.
Find one difference between the two images
Find one difference between the two images
Find one difference between the two images
Find one difference between the two images
Find one difference between the two images
Find one difference between the two images
Find one difference between the two images
Find one difference between the two images
Find one difference between the two images