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Nederland Trivia

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Who was the quarterback for Big Ned in 1985 when Nederland defeated PNG for the first time in over 20 years?
1986 Graduate Monte Barrow
Which Nederland graduate sings in the American a cappella group called Home Free?
Tim Foust
In March of 1976 which Nederland museum was built to honor the French settlers from Southern Louisiana?
La Maison des Acadiennes
As a tribute to its Dutch heritage, the Nederland Windmill was built and dedicated in what year?
In what year did Nederland win the state championship in football?
The Nederland High School annual, The Pilot, was first published in what year?
In 1901, just 7 miles north of Nederland, what happened to usher in the new petro-chemical age?
Lucus Gusher at Spindletop
The first Hollander to arrive in Nederland was...
George Rienstra
The Nederland Pharmacy was founded in what year?
Who is Nederland's new Chief of Police?
Gary Porter
In 1911, Nederland built its first brick school on the site that is now the playground of what elementary school?
Langham Elementary
What American country music singer and actor attended Nederland schools in the early 1900s?
Tex Ritter
The first school in Nederland was destroyed by...
The Hurricane of 1900
The newly founded land company for Nederland built a hotel to accommodate arriving settlers until they could build. This hotel was called...
Orange Hotel
In 1948, the name of Main St. was changed to what current Nederland street?
Boston Ave.
In what year was Nederland officially placed on the map?