Edit Game
Grade 5 - Unit 3+4 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you read the sentence?
Amy's brother is wearing a suit.
Can you read the sentence?
Please pass me the glue.
Can you read the sentence?
Luke has a little mule.
What does Mike usually do after school?
He usually walks the dog after school.
What does Ben usually do after school? ___ usually _____ after school.
He usually watches TV after school.
What does Lisa usually do after school? ___ usually _____ after school.
She usually does her homework after school.
What does Nina usually do after school? ___ usually _____ after school.
She usually listens to music after school.
What does Amy usually do after school? ___ usually _____ after school.
She usually walks the dog after school.
What do you do after school? ____ usually ______ after school.
I usually listen to music after school.
What do you do after school? ____ usually ______ after school.
I usually watch TV after school.
What do you do after school? ____ usually ______ after school.
I usually surf the internet after school.
What do you do after school? ____ usually ______ after school.
I usually read books after school.
What do you do after school? ____ usually ______ after school.
I usually play sports after school.
What do you do after school? ____ usually ______ after school.
I usually do my homework after school.
What do you do after school? ____ usually ______ after school.
I usually walk the dog after school.
Can you read the sentence?
Let's play in the snow.
Can you read the sentence?
Put on your yellow coat.
Can you read the sentence?
Look at this purple rose.
What's Sam's favorite subject?
His favorite subject is science.
What's Amy's favorite subject?
Her favorite subject is music.
What's Tom's favorite subject?
His favorite subject is math.
What's Tina's favorite subject?
Her favorite subject is Chinese.
What's Bill's favorite subject?
His favorite subject is PE.
What's Lisa's favorite subject?
Her favorite subject is art.
What's her favorite subject? ____ favorite subject is ______.
Her favorite subject is PE.
What's his favorite subject? _____ favorite subject is _______.
His favorite subject is art.
What's  your favorite subject? _____ favorite subject is ________.
My favorite subject is social studies.
What's their favorite subject? ____ favorite subject is _____.
Their favorite subject is English.
What's Tina's favorite subject? _____ favorite subject is ________.
Her favorite subject is art.
What's John's favorite subject? _____ favorite subject is ______.
His favorite subject is math.
What's your favorite subject? _____ favorite subject is _________.
My favorite subject is Chinese.