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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do we say 돈을 갚다 in English?
pay money back
How do we say 오랜 시간이 걸리다 in English?
It takes a long time.
가난한 사람들은 돈을 쉽게 빌릴 수 없다. [영작]
Poor people can't borrow money easily.
Why the bank is special? [Full Sentence]
The bank lend money to poor people.
What did Muhammad Yunus make in Bangladesh? [Full Sentence]
He made a special bank in Bangladesh.
How do we say 과거-현재-미래 in English?
What is the similar word to 'enough'?
plenty of
Everyone [have / has] enough money to live well.
What does [near / nearly] mean?
가까운, 거의
With money, what can poor people do for their children? [Full Sentence]
With money, they can educate their children.
Why don't most banks lend money to poor people? [Full Sentence]
They think poor people can't pay money back.
With money, what can poor people improve? [Full Sentence/ two things]
With money, they can improve their farms and health.
With money, what can poor people start? [Full Sentence]
With money, they can start a small business.
How do we say 굶주림 / 배고픈 in English?
hunger / hungry
What is the opposite word to 'lend'?
How do we say 기자, 진행자 in English?
Why was Muhammad Yunus feeling terrible? [Full Sentence]
Because many people were dying of hunger in Bangladesh.
What is the similar word to 'poor people'?
the poor