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S3 Franny K. Stein

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The children were so scared, so they were ____________. a. glistening b. trembling c. hire
b. trembling
The nervous students in class always __________________ when giving speeches or presentations. a. stammer b. normal c. unharmed
a. stammer
What does "antidote" mean? (something Franny drank)
medicine to heal her and make her normal again
The cheating students had to __________________ their wrongdoing to the principal. A. ignore b. examine c. admit
c. admit
TRUE/FALSE: The lunch meat monster was an evil fiend.
Your room is so messy, so please ___________ everything. a. grasp b. hire c. arrange
c. arrange
We should ___________ poor children with some money. a. instruct b. arrange c. provide
Can someone give me a __________ to make a good sandwich? a. burden b. provide c. recipe
C. Recipe
When the Pumpkin-Crab Monster fell, what did Franny do to the monster to take him away?
He ordered Bats to take kids away.
What was the name of Franny's monster?
Lunch-Meat Creature
What/who did they need to fight the Pumpkin-Crab Monster?
A mad scientist
I tried to get her attention yesterday, but she ____________ me and walked off. a. accept b. ignore c. recipe
What finally happened to the Lunch-Meat Creature?
He was hired as a janitor.
Who is a janitor?
A person who cleans the place
Franny had to ____________________ the data she gathered from her observations. a. analyze b. ooze c. transform d. hire
a. analyze
How was Franny treated at school the next day?
Everybody loved her and thanked her for saying them.
What did Miss Shelly fall on?
What did the Lunch Meat monster do to the Pumpkin-Crab monster?
Lunch Meat monster hit Pumpkin-Crab monster with a flag pole
How did Franny feel after the Pumpkin-Crab monster was defeated? a. Happy b. Evil c. Angry d. Sad
D. SAD because she was afraid that she thought she had lost all of her friends
Where did the Pumpkin-Crab Monster take Miss Shelly to?
Onto the flagpole
Who did the Pumpkin-Crab Monster grab?
Miss Shelly