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School Nursing FAQ

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When does my child have to be picked up from school (for health)?
If they have fever, vomiting or diarrhea, ( have or report COVID symptoms), or are injured and need to be evaluated.
What is the deal with COVID for next year?
I have absolutely no idea....
When should I NOT send my child to school?
If they have a fever, are throwing up, have diarrhea or something else that may be contagious and has not been treated. (within reason)
My child has a food allergy but does not require an Epinephrine auto injector....
You can have the provider fill out a special diet form yearly so that the school and cafeteria are aware of the allergy.
How often do medical/medication forms need to be filled out (like asthma, epi, diabetes)?
These forms need to be filled out and turned in every year.
Are edibles or other CBD/THC products allowed at school?
Medical cannabis is allowed if it is necessary. It may not be stored at the school or administered by staff. Lots of meetings and documentation is required.
Can I send ibuprofen or coughdrops to school for my child?
Yes, over the counter medication is allowed at school but you must fill out an over the counter medicationform.
Can my child take prescription medication at school?
Yes. A order for the medication must be filled out and given to the school nurse.
If my child needs health screenings to be evaluated but does not go to an APS school, where can they go to get these screenings?
APS school nurses do screenings for charter and private schools as well. Just call a school that is convenient to you to set up an appointment.
What other screenings are done at school?
We also do a very preliminary dental screening.
What happens if my student does not pass the hearing screening?
A student could see a private audiologist or we offer a free evaluation with our fabulous APS audiology department.
What vision tests are done at school?
Nurses can check, near and distance vision as well as color vision and stereopsis (how well your eyes work together).
What do I need to do if I have a child with asthma, allergies, seizures, of diabetes?
Get orders from a provider (blank order forms are on our website) and communicate your students needs and conditions to the school nurse.
What is an IHP?
An Individualized Health Plan. This plan is often made by the nurse for any student that requires assistance from the school nurse.
What does SAT stand for?
Student Assistance Team
What if my student has a health condition but does not qualify for special education?
Then perhaps a 504 plan would be a good solution for your student.
What if my child has a learning disability or health condition that is affecting their learning?
Tell your child's school about these difficulties. If difficulties are identified that are effecting learning, your child may qualify for special services.
What kinds of health conditions do we see in the schools?
All kinds from asthma and allergies to diabetes, feeding tubes and students with ventilators.
What do school nurses do?
A LOT! They train staff, take care of students, write care plans, attend meetings, screen vision and hearing...
Where can children get vaccinations?
At their doctor's office, Walgreens, the Department of Health or at any free vaccine events that are held
What happens if I do not get my child vaccinated or get an approved exemption from the state?
Students may be disenrolled from school until and exemption has been turned in or vaccines have been recieved.
What vaccines are required for school?
For Kinder complete series of Dtap, Polio, Hep B, Hep A, MMR, and Varicella In 7th grade an additional Tdap and Meningococcal are required
What if I can't get my child vaccinated?
Then an exemption needs to be filled out, notarized and approved by the state each year.
Is the COVID-19 vaccine required for school?
Does every school have a school nurse?
Not every school has a full time nurse on campus. Some schools share a nurse with another school and some schools have vacant positions.