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Elementary - Mixed tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Manuel ____ Patricia tomorrow. (see)
Manuel IS GOING TO SEE Patricia tomorrow.
She ____ here anymore. (not live)
She DOESN'T LIVE here anymore.
_____ to Denmark next week? (you - travel)
ARE YOU GOING TO TRAVEL to Denmark next week?
I ____ to church tomorrow. (not go)
I 'M NOT GOING to church tomorrow. / I'M NOT GOING TO GO to church tomorrow.
How often ____ her parents? (Luisa - visit)
How often DOES LUISA VISIT her parents?
He ____ to the gym twice a week. (go)
He GOES to the gym twice a week.
My children ____ so happy at the park yesterday. (be)
My children WERE so happy at the park yesterday.
I ____ well last night. (not sleep)
I DIDN'T SLEEP well last night.
_____ dinner? (he - ever - cook)
I know where she ____. It's near the train station. (live)
I know where she LIVES. It's near the train station.
Ernesto ___ in his office right now. (work)
Ernesto IS WORKING in his office right now.
I ____ all my money at the mall last Saturday. (spend)
I SPENT all my money at the mall last Saturday.
He ____ a new bike last week. (buy)
He BOUGHT a new bike last week.
She ____ her homework yesterday. (not do)
She DIDN'T DO her homework yesterday.
Osnar _____ lettuce. (hardly ever - eat)
Osnar HARDLY EVER EATS lettuce.
____ the bus to work every day? (she - take)
DOES SHE TAKE the bus to work every day?
Martina ____ brown. She hates this color. (wear - never)
Martina NEVER WEARS brown. She hates this color.
____ sick last Friday? (you - be)
WERE YOU sick last Friday?
Mario ____ me yesterday. (not call)
Mario DIDN'T CALL me yesterday.
We ___ at that pizza place downtown yesterday. (eat)
We ATE at that pizza place downtown yesterday.
____ the game at this moment? (they - watch)
ARE THEY WATCHING the game at this moment?
Look! Dad ___ his car again. (wash)
Look! Dad IS WASHING his car again.
Kelly ____ at Paula's party yesterday. (be)
Kelly WAS at Paula's party yesterday.