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vocabulary 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Beak: the hard, pointed part of the mouth of a bird.
Beak: the hard, pointed part of the mouth of a bird.
Claw: a sharp, cruved nail on the foot of a mammal, reptile or bird.
Claw: a sharp, cruved nail on the foot of a mammal, reptile or bird.
Feather: one of the light flluffy part that cover a bird´s body.
Feather: one of the light flluffy part that cover a bird´s body.
Fin: a flat body part attached to a fish or marine mammal that helps in swimming.
Fin: a flat body part attached to a fish or marine mammal that helps in swimming.
Fur: the thick, soft coat of hair that covers some mammals.
Fur: the thick, soft coat of hair that covers some mammals.
Gill: an organ that allows fish and some other aquatic animals to obtain oxygen from water.
Gill: an organ that allows fish and some other aquatic animals to obtain oxygen from water.
Hoof: the hard covering on the feet of some animals.
Hoof: the hard covering on the feet of some animals.
Horn: a hard, hollow, pointed growth, usually one of a pair, on the head of animals.
Horn: a hard, hollow, pointed growth, usually one of a pair, on the head of animals.
Paw: the foot of an animals.
Paw: the foot of an animals.
Scale: each of the small, thin plates protecting the skin of fish.
Scale: each of the small, thin plates protecting the skin of fish.
Scale: each of the small, thin plates protecting the skin of fish.
Scale: each of the small, thin plates protecting the skin of fish.
Talon: the sharp claw of and eagle or other bird
Talon: the sharp claw of and eagle or other bird
Talon: the sharp claw of and eagle or other bird
Talon: the sharp claw of and eagle or other bird
Talon: the sharp claw of and eagle or other bird
Talon: the sharp claw of and eagle or other bird
Tentacle: one of the long appendages of octopuses and other animals.
Tentacle: one of the long appendages of octopuses and other animals.
Trunk: the long nose of an elephant
Trunk: the long nose of an elephant
trun a long, stiff hair that grows on the face of some mammals.
trun a long, stiff hair that grows on the face of some mammals.
Whisker: a long, stiff hair that grows on the face of some mammals.
Whisker: a long, stiff hair that grows on the face of some mammals.
Underwater: under the surface of the water.
Underwater: under the surface of the water.