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Vocabulary 3 unit 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tusk- hey that seal has or doesn't have Tusks
2. hey walruses have very long tusks (noun)
Scale- hey that crocodile has a scale
2. oye que otro animal tiene Scale (noun)
Fur- hey polar bears have a lot of fur
2. hey you left that sheep without fur (noun)
Tentacle- hey octopuses have tentacles
2. hey squids also have tentacles (noun)
Underwater- hey whales are underwater animals
2. hey the dolphins are underwater (Adjective
Paw- the paws of the dogs are very beautiful
2. hey almost all animals have paws (noun)
Feather- birds have feathers did you know?
2. hey the peacock has many feathers (noun)
Fang-hey that dog has a fang out
2. hey that tiger has a very strong fang (noun)
Trunk- Hey, what do elephants do with their trunks?
2. hey elephants are the only animals with Trunk? (noun)
Shell- the shell protects the hatchlings
2. Hey, what does the egg shell do? (noun)
Talon- the birds catch fish with their talons
2. An owl's Talon is stronger than an eagle's (noun)
Whisker- hey that tiger has a whisker
2. hey, even if you don't know it, dogs have whisker (noun)
Beak- the toucan has a very nice beak
2. hey that toucan drank water with his beak (noun)
oye el rinoceronte tiene Horn
2. hey the triceratops had 3 horns (noun)
Snout- hey dogs bite with the snout
2. hey other animals have snout? (noun)
Hoof- hey not all animals have hoof
2. hey donkeys have hoof (noun)
Fin- hey what animals have an fin
2. hey sea animals are the only ones that have fins (noun)
hey it's a gill
2. the fish are the only ones that have gill? (noun)
Claw- sloth claw is very deadly
2. the claw of the birds tickle (noun)
Tail, my dog ​​has no tail
2. the snake has a very long tail (noun)