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Vocabulary 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-The fish have gill
2.-Some animals you live underwater have gill
1.- I like the beak of toucans.
2.- The beaks of small birds are rare.
1.-The cats have a cute claws but they can kill you.
2.- My dog ​​scratches me with his claws.
1.-When the dogs bark me and show me they fangs i thinks they gonna kill me.
2.-Lion fangs are super cool
1.-The sharks fin scary me
2.-I like movies when the fin of a shark appear
1.-When i was more kid i do many activities with feathers
2.-The feathers sometime smell bad.
1.- Animal fur is so cute.
2.-My dog's fur is fluffy
1.-I think whe have to change the hoofs of the horses.
2.-The hoofs go in the paws
1.-Cows have horns
2.-Deers have horns
1.-The dogs and cats paws are pretty cute
2.-The paws of a babe animals look very beatiful
1.-The scales of the fish most of the time are not noticeable with the naked eye.
2.- If you touch a fish you feel its scales.
1.-I look a chicken going out of her shell in a farm.
2.-The chicken babes born in a shell
1.-I think that if a bird touch me the armwith her talon im gonna have to say good bay to my arm.
2.-Birds talon sometimes look extremely sharp.
1.-The pigs make sound with then snout
2.-The snout of the pigs sometimes dosn´t look clean
1.-When the dogs we are excited the move they tail
2.-The tails of the dogs some time are littles and cutes xd
1.-The elphants drink water with they trunk
2.-The elephants and his trunk terrified me hahaha :/
1.-Whisker look like thread
2.-Whiskers we are fine
1.-Elephants have tusk
2.-With the large of the tusk they terrified me
1.-Some animals lives underwater
2.-I look a fish underwater