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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dad said:"Go, brush your teeth now, or we will be late."
Dad told me to go, brush my teeth at that moment, or we would be late.
Today is my rest day.
She said that that day was her rest day.
"Finish your food, because we need to go out already," they said to me.
They told me to finish my food, because we needed to go out already.
"Write an e-mail to the company," my boss told me.
My boss told me to write an e-mail to the company.
I am going to bed.
She said she was going to bed.
She said to me: "Playing FIFA is my passion."
She told me that playing FIFA was her passion.
Koalas are the cutest creatures.
She said that koalas were the cutest creatures.
I am reading a book by Steven King at this moment.
She said she was reading a book by Steven King at that moment.
I miss going to the cinema.
She said that she missed going to the cinema.
I have sushi delivery once a week.
She said that she had sushi delivery once a week.
My mom said: "Make a cake for us!"
My mom told me to make a cake for them.
I am finishing my work.
She said she was finishing her work.
I am running at full speed.
She said she was running at full speed.
This year is exhausting.
She said that that year was exhausting.
I love birdwatching.
She said she loved birdwatching.
I want to eat something.
She said that she wanted to eat something.