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Who was Odysseys wife? What do you know about her?
Penelope; she was faithful to him even though she has many suitors who wanted to take the throne.
Which goddess transformed Odysseus into what so he can check in the condition of his kingdom incognito?
Who was the first to recognize him when he finally arrived on the island?
When the disguised Odysseus returns after 20 years, he is recognized only by his faithful dog, Argos.
How long was Odusseus journey to his homeland Ithaca?
It lasted 20 years.
Why is Ithaca so famous in Greek history?
It's the island of Odysseus
List some activities you can do in Lefkada.
paragliing, boating, rowing, paddleboarding, and many more
What beach in Lefkada is described as follows: Μεγάλη παραλία, με καθαρά γαλάζια νερά. Έχει ομπρέλες . Έχει κύμα
Why is the beach Agios Nikitas in Lefkada popular with families?
Δεν έχει κύμα!
Πως λέμε the most beautiful place?
Το ομορφότερο μέρος
What is considered one of the best beaches in Lefkada?
Πως λέμε time for the beach?
Ώρα για θάλασσα