Edit Game
MYP2 Review Units 1-4
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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's missing? If I could, I ________ spend a summer working on a farm in New Zealand.
What would you do if there were a natural disaster in your city?
If there were a natural disaster in my city, I would + base form of the verb
Complete the sentence "If I were an illegal immigrant, ..."
I would + verb in the base form
What expressions can we use to DISAGREE?
That's not always true, I'm not sure about that, I don't think so ...
What expressions can we use to AGREE?
Indeed, absolutely, that's for sure, I couldn't agree more ...
Make a sentence using the phrasal verb "put up with"
Make a sentence using the phrasal verb "keep up with"
"I forgot to add my volunteer experience to my résumé". How can express past wishes and regrets?
I should (not) have + PPV
Mention 3 words related to job requirements.
experience, training, diploma, degree, creativity, teamwork, etc
How can we respond to customer complaints?
We apologize for ... / We'll give you a full refund.
You received poor service or a faulty product. Politely complain about it.
I'd like to complain about ... There seems to be a problem with ...
How can we form the rule for the Past Perfect? It is formed by using ...
HAD + Past Participle of the Verb (PPV)
I had already done all my shopping before I got here today. Which of the 2 events happened first?
I had already done all my shopping
Complete the sentence "You have tested the product, ...?"
haven't you
Mention 3 words related to finance and banking.
deposit, debt, loan, income, ATM, credit card, expenses, etc
Do you have financial discipline? What do you do when you need to save money?
Talk about past habits and routines in the past. Give 3 examples.
(When I was a child) I used to ... / would ...
Is dejected a positive or negative adjective?
Dejected is a negative feeling.
(Delighted, inspired, energized) Are these positive or negative adjectives?
Positive feelings
Talk about 2 plans and intentions that didn´t happen this year.
I was planning / intending / hoping to ...
Tell me 2 things you were doing yesterday morning.
I was ... ing.