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Vocabulary3 unit 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. The underwater is made of metal.
2. I have a underwater.
1. My dad has whisker.
2. My dog´s name is whisker.
1. I have tusk.
2. My dog has tusk.
1. The giraffe doesn´t have trunk.
2 .The elephant trunk is very big.
1. The fish doesn´t have tentacle.
2. The octopus has 8 tentacles.
1. The talon is small.
2. My puppy´s talone hurt me.
1. The cat´s tail is soft.
2. The dog needs his tail.
1. The cat has snout.
2. The dog´s snout is large.
1. The shell is hard.
2. The turttle has shell.
1. The dog doesn´t have scale.
2. The fish has scale.
1. I don´t have paws.
2. The dog´s paws are black.
1. The deer´s hornes are bigger.
2. The bull has horn.
1. The cow has hooves.
2. The horse´s hooves are small.
1. Fish breathe through gills.
2. The shark has gill.
1. The cat has fur.
2. The dog´s fur is soft.
1. The shrimp doesn´t have fin.
2. The fish has fin.
1. The eagle has big feather.
2. The bird has colored feather.
1. The bear doesn´t have fang.
2. The cocodrile´s fang is sharp.
1. The person doesn´t have claws.
2. The tigers has a large claws.
1. The parrot´s beak is orange.
2. The chicken´s beak is small.