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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Damage caused to water, air or land by trash or harmful substances from cars, factories, people, etc.
You wear these to protect your eyes when you do an experiment
safety glasses
Material on the surface of Earth in which plants grow
Mention the 2 types of eagles we have seen in the Student's book
Philippine Eagle + bald eagle
It means having no living members; no longer in existence.
Environmental problem in which people cut down trees
It's not a solid or a gas, what is it?
a liquid
This is the place or environment where a plant or animal naturally grows
a habitat
Container made of glass or plastic
a jar
Very big storm that can destroy things
It's a hurricane
It's a building where things or products are made:
a factory
What are these?
They're (ice age) weapons
What's this?
It's a sloth
What's this?
It's a glacier
What's this?
It's a cave painting
Can you spell its name?
What's this?
It's a saber tooth tiger / smilodon