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Electricity and Magnetism

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false. A conductor carries the current from the generator to the receptor.
Explain. What can we use if we don't have a compass?
We can use cork, a magnet, water, and a needle.
What materials are attracted to magnets?
Materials that have metals.
True or false. All magnets have 2 opposite poles (north and south).
True or false. Magnetism is NOT a specific property of materials that contain metallic elements.
A receptor needs _______________ to operate.
Define SWITCH.
A switch turns an electric current on and off.
Give me 3 examples of insulators.
Wood; plastic; rubber ; glass ; etc...
Give me 3 examples of conductors.
lemon juice; potatoes; metals, etc...
Electric currents need to flow between _________ and ________ charge flows.
positive ; negative
True or false? Static electricity is an accumulation of an electric charge on the surface of an object.
True or false? Electric charges accumulate in one place or flow from one place to another.
What type of energy is this?
Thermal Energy
What type of energy is this?
Luminous Energy
What type of energy is this?
Electrical Energy