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Ukrainian culture

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 old Ukrainian songs
Name 4 Ukrainian traditions
Name 4 holidays that Ukrainians celebrate
Name 2 Ukrainian sportsmen (from different sports)
Name a Ukrainian artist
Name 3 Ukrainian bands
Name 5 Ukrainian singers
Name 3 Ukrainian presidents
What is the national flower of Ukraine?
What is the longest river in Ukraine?
The Dnipro
When do we celebrate the Independence day?
24th of August
Name the Ukrainian seas
Azov and Black sea
How many letters are in Ukrainian alphabet?
Name 5 famous Ukrainian writers or poets
True or False: Ukraine is the third largest country in Europe.
What is the name of the deepest lake in Ukraine?
What was the name of the biggest and heaviest plane in the world?
True or False: Kyiv McDonald's is among the most visited McDonald's in the world.
What mountain is the tallest mountian in Ukraine?
True or false: An Ukrainian tradition is to have picnics on graves
True! It is a tradition after Easter
What does Ukraine export the most?
What is the deepest Underground Station in the world? And where is it?
Arsenalna in Kyiv
Name 10 Ukrainian cities
Name 4 Ukrainian dishes
What's the currency in Ukraine?