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Old Testament Revision #2 Term 2

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According to DMCD 8.4, what words are missing from the following sentence: The earth was created and the gospel was revealed so that families could be ___________, ________________ and _________________ _______________.
formed, sealed, exalted, eternally.
According to DMCD 8.3, what words are missing from the following sentence: Happiness in family life is most likely to be _________________ when founded upon the teachings of the ______________ _________________ ________________.
Achieved, Lord, Jesus, Christ.
According to DMCD 8.2, what words are missing from the following statement: Husband and __________ have a solemn ___________ to love and care for each __________ and for their _____________.
Wife, responsibility, other, children.
According to DMCD 8.1, what words are missing from the following statement: _____________ between a man and a woman is ______________ of God, and the __________ is central to His plan of _________________ and to our happiness.
Marriage, Ordained, Family, Salvation.
16. Which of the following scriptures master passages teaches the importance of keeping the Sabbath day holy?
B. Exodus 20:3-17
15. Which scripture teaches that we are created in God's image?
A. Genesis 1:26-27
14. Which scripture teaches that God chose "noble and great" spirits in the premortal life to be leaders in His kingdom on earth?
A. Abraham 3:22-23
13. According to Moses 1:39, what is Heavenly Father's work?
B. To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children.
12. Who am I? I am one of Isaac's sons. My name was changed. I had 12 sons. WHO AM I???
11. Who am I? A false priest tried to sacrifice me when I was young. Years later I was asked to sacrifice my son. I made covenants with God, which were later renewed with my son. WHO AM I?
10. Who am I? I am a book in the Old Testament. My husband died. I chose to stay with my mother-in-law. I am known as a virtuous woman. I married Boaz.
9. Who am I? I had a son in old age which was a fulfillment of God's promise to my husband and I.
8. Which is the correct order of some of the Old Testament Prophets?
C. Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses.
7. Which of the following statements expresses a major principle illustrated in the Israelites' destruction of Jericho?
B. As we act in faith to obey the Lord with exactness, He will be with us and help us do things we could not do by ourselves.
6. What is symbolised by Moses lifting up a brass serpent on a pole to heal those bitten by poisonous serpents?
A. Looking to Christ can heal us from our sins.
5. Ten of the spies Moses sent to explore the land of promise brought back an "evil report." What did Joshua and Caleb do after seeing the Israelites' response to the "evil report"?
B. They told the Israelites to not rebel or fear because the Lord would be with them.
4. What did the sacrifices outlined in the book of Leviticus help the children of Israel understand?
C. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ
3. Why did the Lord instruct the Israelites to build the tabernacle while journeying in the wilderness?
B. To provide a place for them to make covenants and prepare to be in God's presence.
2. What did the Lord tell the Israelites to do daily that would remind them to rely on Him?
C. To gather manna for their food, except on the seventh day.
1. What truth can we learn from the symbolism of the Israelites' putting lambs' blood around their doors?
A. We can be delivered from spiritual death through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.