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Review for the year 2022

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many matzos do we have at the seder?
Shavous we have a minhag to eat what type of food
For how many days do we count the Omer?
49 days
What two mitzvos are done on shaboss that fall under the catergory of remembering shaboss?
Kiddush and Havdalah
Give examples of actives that aren't allowed on Shaboss
turning on lights, cooking, driving, using electronic such as a phone or tablet
How many Shevatim are there?
Who was the father of the Shevatim
Can you break branches off the tree even if they are dead?
What is the source for the 39 Melachos?
How the Mishkan was bulit
What is Mutzkah?
Items that should be put aside before shaboss
What is the book called that we use during the Seder?
The act of burning the Chametz is called
Beuar Chametz
The act of searaching for the Chametz is called
Bedikatz Chametz
Can you sweep a wooden floor on shaboss?
Are women obligated to hear the Megillah on Purim?
Can I go to the beach on Shaboss to dig holes int the sand?
Can you push a stroller over the grass on Shaboss?
If you are unsure about a halacha who should you ask?
Parent, Rabbi, Teacher
Name the 4 mitzvos of Purim
Mishlach manos, Megillah, Matnos L'evyonim, Mishteah
Which fast is when they surrounded the wall?
Asara B'teves
How many Melcachos are there?
What are the 2 different ways that the Torah tells us about Shaboss?
Zachor to remember Shaboss and Shomer to protect Shaboss
How many brachos are said the first night of Chanukah?
On Chanukah how do we light the candles?
we light from left to right
When there is leap year in the calendar what is the extra month called?
Name the 5 books of the Torah
Bershisis, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim
How many books are there in the Torah?
5 books
On Yom Kippur it custom to wear what color?
Are women obligated to sit in the Sukkah ?
In what month is Rosh Hashana?