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vocabulary 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. Every mammal has fangs
2. Mammals use his fangs for hunter
1. The eagle use talons for hunter
2. Every birds has talons
1. The sharks has fins
2. Every fish´s has fins
1. The rhinoceros has big horn
2. The buffalo has a big horn
1. Some mammals has whiskers
2. The color of the whiskers is white
1. The horse´s use his hoof for protect his life
2. The adult giraffe use his hoof for protect his life
1. The cats has smalls claws
2. The dinosaurs use his big´s claws for hunt
1. Every bird has feathers
2. The bald eagle has two types of colors in their feathers
1. Some mammals has three paws
2. Some animals has paws
1. Jaguar has tusks
2. The Tiger has tusks
1. Every reptiles has scales
2. Some fish has scales
1. Every mammals has fur
2. In different species of mammals the fur is very colorful
1.In the underwater has much marine life
2. Many sharks live underwater
1. Every mammals has a snout
2. The dogs has a snout
1. The gills are muscules
2. Every fishs has gills
1. Every birds has a beak
2. The beaks are different in the spies
1. Every mammals has a tails
2. The cocodrile has a large tail
1. The octopuses has tentacles
2. The octous has 8 tentacles
1. The eggs has shell
2. The eggs has shell to protect yourself
1. The elefant has trunk
2. The elephants use his trunk for drink water