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N2 In Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are they?
In an art gallery.
Where are they?
At the zoo.
Where is he?
At a bowling alley.
Where are they?
At a theme park.
Where are they?
At a concert.
Where are they?
At the campsite.
Where are they?
At the aquarium.
Where is he?
At the skate park.
What is this place?
A space station.
What's her job?
She's an astronaut.
It's a very hot day. I'm ___ hungry but I __ thirsty.
not, am
be, won't
are, not
am, not
Our lunch was very big. After, we ______ hungry.
She ___ sad, she wasn't excited.
I was happy, I ______ tired.
What is he doing?
Feeding the duck.
What is this?
A tractor.
Where is he?
At the airport.
What season is this?
What season is this?
What season is this?
What season is this?
What is this?
A helmet.
What is he doing?
What's this?
A plant.
Who is he?
A firefighter.
I do gymnastics __ Saturday.
What is this?
A bridge.
Where is the lion?
He's up the tree.
He's under the tree.
He's next to the tree.
Does she like playing music?
Yes, she does.
Yes, she do.
Yes, we are.
No, she is.
Does he like cookies?
Yes, he does.
No, he likes cookies.
Yes, he is.
Yes, we do.
Where are they?
In a street.
Where is he?
In a supermarket.
Where are they?
In a restaurant.
Where are they?
In the park.
What is this?
A house.
Where is he?
In the garden.
What is this?
A building.
Rearrange the words: TV their big is.
Their TV is big.
Rearrange the words: Radio is our red.
Our radio is red.
Rearrange the words: Phone big is their.
Their phone is big.
Rearrange the words: Black our is camera.
Our camera is black.
What is this?
What is this?
A phone.
What is this?
A camera.
What is this?
A watch.
What is this?
A computer.
What is she playing?
A guitar.
What is this?
A radio.
What is this cat wearing?
What is this?
A rubber.
Who do I visit on Wednesday?
I visit my grandparents.
What do I do on Saturday?
I fly a kite.
I'm big and grey. I have a very long nose. What animal am I?
An elephant.
Do you visit your friends at the weekend?
Yes, I do.
Yes, they do.
No, I do.
No, we do.
I'm red. I have got two claws and many legs. I live by the sea. What animal am I?
A crab.
Re-arrange the words: do gymnastics Thursday they On.
On Thursday they do gymnastics.
Re-arrange the words: Friday river On the they in swim.
On Friday they swim in the river.
Re-arrange the words: don't We on basketball play Sunday.
We don't play basketball on Sunday
What do I do on Sunday?
I do my homework.
Where do I go on Saturday?
I go to the swimming pool.
Where do I go on Friday?
I go to the park.
What do I do on Thursday?
I do gymnastics.
What do I do on Wednesday?
I play basketball.
What do I do on Tuesday?
I have a music lesson.
What do I do on Monday?
I play football.
What do you call a baby wolf?
A cub.
What is 0 + 100?
A hundred! (or 'one hundred!')
What is 101 - 11?
What is 110 - 30?
What is 40 + 30?
What is 80 - 20?
What is 100 divided by 2?
What is 53 - 13?
What is 27 + 3?
What is 15 + 5?
Are there crocodiles in Spain?
No, there aren't any crocodiles.
Yes, there is one in the lake in Retiro, named Matilda.
Yes there are some crocodiles in Granada. They sing flamenco
No there isn't any crocodiles.
Are there tigers in India?
Yes there are.
Yes there is.
No there isn't.
No there aren't any.
I am orange and I have got black stripes. I'm very big and strong, and I can swim and climb. What animal am I?
A tiger.
This is the biggest country in the world. It's very cold in the winter. The people wear fur hats sometimes.
This is a country in Asia. It's very hot and there are big mountains. You can see the Taj Mahal.
This is a country in the southern hemisphere. It's very big and hot. There are crocodiles and kangaroos.
New Zealand
I'm brown. I have got small ears and a small tail but I'm very big. I sleep a lot in the winter. What animal am I?
A bear.
I'm brown. I've got two legs and a long tail. I jump everywhere. What animal am I?
A kangaroo.
I'm grey. I have got pointy ears, four legs and a tail. What animal am I?
A wolf.
I am black and white. I've got small ears and I eat bamboo. What animal am I?
A panda.
I am brown. I have got four legs and a big hump. What animal am I?
A camel.
I am green. I have got a long tail and a lot of teeth. What animal am I?
A crocodile.