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Old Testament Revision #1 Term 2

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What did the Lord tell Moses when he expressed concern about his calling to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt?
C. He told Moses that He would give him power to accomplish His work.
Who was the "choice seer" prophesied about by Joseph who was sold into Egypt?
C. Joseph Smith
What do the consequences of Joseph being sold into Egypt teach us about trials?
B. God can help us turn trials into blessings for ourselves and others.
What accompanies sincere repentance?
C. All the above
What did Esau's choice to give up his birthright tell us about what he valued?
A. He valued worldly pleasures more than eternal blessings.
What can Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac teach us about Heavenly Father?
B. He willingly sacrificed His Only Begotten Son for us.
The Abrahamic covenant teaches that Abraham's descendants have a responsibility to _______________________.
C. Bless all the families of the earth with the blessings of the gospel.
What was one benefit of the Flood to God's children?
C. It prevented spirits from being born to parents who were continually wicked.
Which of the following illustrates the true nature of God and Satan?
A. God weeps over the wicked, and Satan laughs at wickedness.
Why must we be "born again"?
B. To be sanctified from sin and inherit eternal life.
Which of the following statements about Adam and Eve and the Fall is true?
B. They came to understand that without the Fall and the Atonement, they and their posterity could not obtain the blessings of eternal life.
Which of the following correctly identifies the conditions of Adam and Eve after the fall?
They could have children. They knew good from evil. They were shut out from God's presence. They and their posterity would experience death, pain and disease.
What did Heavenly Father do during our premortal existence that provided a way for us to overcome the effects of the Fall?
C. He chose Jesus Christ to be the Saviour of all mankind.
What has Jesus Christ created?
A. Worlds without number.
When Satan confronted Moses, what did Moses remember that gave him the strength to resist Satan? See Moses 1:13
That he (Moses) was a son of God.
Most of the symbols, laws, imagery, prophecies, and events of the Old Testament testify of___________.
C. Jesus Christ, His coming, and His Atonement