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1.2 End of Term Mix

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you like cultural holidays (visiting monuments, going to museums etc.)?
What foreign city would you like to visit? Why?
Is it a good idea to travel with a big group of people?
Is there any destination in the world that you would never visit? Why / Why not?
What is your opinion about travelling by plane?
Have you ever been on a cruise? Why / Why not?
Do you prefer travelling abroad or in your own country?
Where did you go for your last holiday?
Have you ever broken a rule? Why / Why not?
What rules and regulations do you know about that are different in other countries?
Are rules and regulations necessary in life?
What are the most important rules when you are at the beach?
Are there any rules in your home/school/work which you don’t think are necessary?
Is it ok to use a mobile phone in class?
Is it necessary to have rules when driving a car?
What rules do you have at home?
Do you think students should learn how to manage money at school?
What’s your opinion about buying products on the internet?
Is there anything that you feel you spend too much money on?
What would you like to buy, but can’t afford at the moment?
Is it necessary to earn a lot of money to be happy?
Do you try to save money? What do you save it for?
What language do you think is very difficult to learn?
Other than English, what language would you like to learn?
What is more important, vocabulary or grammar?
Will you continue to study English in the future?
Is it better to learn a language alone or with a group of people?
Do you think English is an easy language to learn?
Why did you choose to learn English?
I chose to learn English because ...
Is it healthier to be a vegetarian or a vegan?
What types of food are really good for your health?
What do you do to stay fit and healthy?
In general, do you think people in your country have a good diet?
Other than diet and exercise, what do we need to consider to be healthy?
Are you careful about the food that you eat?
Do you consider yourself a healthy person?
Yes I do / No I don't because
Is it necessary to spend a lot of money to be a fashionable person?
In my opinion ...
How often do you go shopping for clothes?
I go shopping for clothes ...
What kind of clothes do you normally wear?
I usually wear ...
Do you often buy clothes for people as presents? Why / Why not?
Have you ever bought something and never worn it?
When is the last time you went shopping for clothes? What did you buy?
The last time I went shopping was ... I bought ...
Do you spend a lot of money on clothes?
Do you consider yourself a fashionable person?
yes I do / No I don't because...