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Closed Questions and Short Answers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does the teacher go to school by motorbike?
Yes, he/she does OR No, he/she doesn't
Do you take the bus to school?
Yes, I do OR No, I don't
Have you got any pets?
Yes, I have OR No, I haven't
Has the teacher got blue eyes?
Yes, he/she has OR No, he/she hasn't
Have you got long hair?
Yes, I have OR No, I haven't
Do we celebrate Halloween in July?
No, we don't
Do you usually have a shower in the morning?
Yes, I do OR No, I don't
Do you brush your teeth three times a day?
Yes, I do OR No, I don't
Does Rafa Nadal play rugby?
No, he doesn't
Does the boy have an umbrella?
Yes, he does
Are bats mammals?
Yes, they are
Do tigers eat watermelon?
No, they don't
Are we studying English?
Yes, we are
Does school finish at quarter to three?
Yes, it does OR No, it doesn't
Does the girl play piano?
Yes, she does
Is there a computer in this classroom?
Yes, there is or No, there isn't
Are there any chairs in this classroom?
Yes, there are OR No, there aren't
Are bananas blue?
No, they aren't
Does school start at 8 o'clock?
Yes, it does OR No, it doesn't
Do cats have wings?
No, they don't
Does the man watch TV?
Yes, he does
Do you wear glasses?
Yes, I do OR No, I don't
Is it raining?
Yes, it is OR No, it isn't
Are the lights on?
Yes, they are OR No, they aren't
Can fish walk?
No, they can't