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Dragon Masters Saving the Sun Dragon Chapters 10 ...

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How did the dragons open the top of the pyramid?
Wati shot a black beam of light at it, and Kepri joined it with her rainbow.
What did Worm do to the robbers?
He made them float in the air.
What happened to the weapons that robbers had thrown?
They slammed into the wall.
Who stopped the arrow and how?
Worm, he used his mind powers.
What happened to the arrow before it could reach Ana?
It stopped in midair.
What did Drake do when he saw Ana jumping in the path of an arrow?
He dove toward her.
What did Ana do when she saw an arrow flying right at Kepri?
She jumped in the path of it.
What did Wati do when the robbers aimed at the dragons?
He shot a black beam of light from his mouth.
What did the robbers do after they saw the dragons?
They raised their weapons and aimed at the dragons.
How many robbers were there?
What armor did the robbers have?
Bows and arrows, spears, and clubs.
What was Rori’s suggestion when the children heard robbers coming?
To fight them.
What was Ana’s suggestion when the children heard robbers coming?
To get out of the pyramid.
How did Kepri’s eyes look after the healing?
Open and clear.
How were Kepri’s scales after the healing?
They were shiny again.