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Dragon Masters Saving the Sun Dragon Chapter 9

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What color was the ribbon?
Blue, black, and purple.
What came out of Wati’s mouth?
A ribbon of dark colors.
How did Rori react to the news about Kepri’s twin?
She gave Drake a high five.
How did Worm know where to teleport?
Kepri told him.
Why did Wati bring Heru to the pyramid where they met the children?
He knew that Kepri would be in the pyramid that night.
How was Wati different from Kepri?
Wati had black scales, and Kepri had white scales.
How was Wati similar to Kepri?
They had the same graceful bodies and yellow-tipped wings.
What sound did Wati make when he saw Kepri?
He purred.