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Open Class 2022

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three family members.
father, brother, sister, grandma....
Name three things that begin with letter S.
Sun, six, sugar...
Name three things that begin with letter T.
teacher, three, TV, tiger...
Name three body parts
head, shoulders, knees, eyes....
The Red Hen discovers: (choose the option)
Eggs? wheat? flowers?
In the story, where do the animals live?
In a big, red barn.
Name an animal with a tail.
Dog, cat, monkey, lizard, elephant, pig....
Name three rooms in your house.
Kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom...
What is this?
A Spider!
What is the elephant doing?
It is jumping!
What is your favourite food?
Name three farm animals
Sheep, horse, cow, hen, pig, dog, cat, goat...
Say this tongue-twister:
Well Done!
Can you spell "WHEAT"?
W - H - E - A - T
Can you spell " BREAD"?
B - R - E - A - D
Can you spell "BURGER"?
B - U - R - G - E - R
The Pink Pig buys a burger in.... (complete)
What is the Grey Goat playing?
People confuse the Black Dog with....... (complete)
The Red Hen bakes a cake. True/False?
The White Sheep is eating a burger. True/False?
Who is playing Roblox?
The Grey Goat
Who is in a Zoom Class?
The Brown Cow
Who makes the bread?
The Red Hen