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General History Trivia

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Who was the first woman to be elected Vice President of the United States in 2020?
Kamala Harris
What year did the Internet become available to the public? (2000, 1900, 1993, 1980)
Who won the 2008 U.S. Presidential election?
Barack Obama
Which planet was downgraded to a dwarf planet in 2006?
What was the name of the Category 5 hurricane that hit New Orleans and its surrounding areas in 2005? (Hurricane Irene, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy)
Hurricane Katrina
What year did the Berlin Wall fall? (2020, 1975, 1989)
The U.S. rover Curiosity landed on which planet in August 2012? (Mars, The Moon, Saturn)
What year was the first iPhone released? (2000, 2002, 2004, 2007)
Which fabric was invented in Ancient China? (burlap, silk, cotton)
What was the name of the ancient trade route that connected the East with the West? (I-95, Route 66, The Silk Road)
The Silk Road
Who is the king of the Olympian gods in Greek mythology?
How many rules are written in the Code of Hammurabi? (4, 10, 282, 395)
Which Greek goddess was the Parthenon dedicated to? (Athena, Hera, Aphrodite)
Which two city-states fought in the Peloponnesian War? (New York and Massachusetts, Paris and London, Athens and Sparta)
Athens and Sparta
Who fought in the Hundred Years’ War? (Britain and France, Mexico and the USA, Canada and the rest of the whole world)
Britain and France
During World War II, Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy. Which country is Normandy in? (Russia, Japan, France)
What was the name of the international group formed to maintain world peace after World War I? (League of Nations, Pro-Peacers, Everyone Gets Along Committee, The UN)
The League of Nations
What was the name of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant that was the site of a nuclear disaster in April 1986?
What year did India gain independence from Britain? (1947, 1960, 2001)
How old was Queen Elizabeth II when she was crowned the Queen of England? (10, 18, 27, 34)
During which war was a Christmas Truce called?
World War I
Where did Albert Einstein live before moving to the United States?
How many Celtic languages are still spoken today? (Just 1, 100, 6)
Who sent Christopher Columbus to explore the New World? (King of Italy, King of England, King of Spain)
King Ferdinand of Spain
What country did the U.S. men’s Olympic hockey team defeat in the semi-finals of the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, a game commonly known as the “Miracle on Ice”? (Germany, Canada, The Soviet Union)
The Soviet Union
In what year did child labor laws start in the United States? (1776, 1938, 2000)
Who was the first Black Supreme Court justice in the United States? (Barack Obama, MLK Jr., Thurgood Marshall)
Thurgood Marshall
Who was president during the Cuban Missile Crisis? (FDR, JFK, George H. W. Bush)
Where was Martin Luther King, Jr. born? (Savannah, Atlanta, Roswell)
Atlanta, Georgia
What do the stripes on the American flag represent? (13 years they fought for freedom, 13 boats they took across the ocean, 13 original colonies)
The 13 original colonies