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SSC Final Battle

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is most likely to become famous? Why? And for what?
What is a subject that SHOULD be taught in middle school that isn’t?
What school rule would you make/change and why?
Who would win in a battle royale, Mr. Ricker or a thousand ducks?
What are three adjectives to describe Ms. Pierce?
What was something that was hard for you at the beginning of the year but is easy for you now?
If you could change one thing that happened this year, what would it be?
What is one of Ms. A’s favorite things?
What superhero would Mrs. Wark be?
Would you rather have tiny arms or tiny legs and why?
Who is most likely to become President of the United States?
What will you miss about us over the summer?
What animal would Mr. Pettis be?
What are three things you like about SSC?
Who is the scariest staff member (in the school) and why?
Who has the most siblings?
What is one funny thing that happened this year?
Who is the cutest goat (cannot say Tom Brady) (Tom Brady is the only correct answer)?
What are SSC staff members’ first names?
Joelle, Brett, Jaime, Kristy, Celeste, Kerry
What is the goal of SSC?
Who is the kindest person in SSC and why?
What sign is Mr. Pettis?
Who is the funniest person in SSC and why?
What sign is Mrs. Wark?
What sign is Mrs. Bailey?
What sign is Miss Pierce?
What sign is Miss A?
What sign is Miss Harrington?
What is Miss Harrington’s octopus named?
What is Mrs. Wark’s favorite animal?
What is Mr. Pettis’s son’s name?
DJ (David)
Name two ways Miss Harrington is weird.