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History - 7th grade - Counter Reformation

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True or false: Pope Paul V was the responsible for the Council of Trent
What are the indulgences?
Divine pardons sold to people.
TRUE OF FALSE: The 95 theses is considered the beginning of Calvinism.
What was the main source for Christian faith?
The Bible
Say one belief that both Calvinists and Lutheranists shared.
Both religions believe that faith alone was enough for salvation.
After being accused of heresy, John Calvin had to move from France. Where did he go?
Geneva, in Switzerland.
John Calvin not always criticized the church. In the year of 1533 there was an specific fact that make him change. What fact was this?
He experienced a "sudden conversion".
Who were the reprobates?
People were not predestined to be saved.
Say two practices presents in the Godly behavior
Not commiting crimes, not playing cards, not drinking alcohol and not lying.
Why was Pope Paul III so important to the council?
He was the person in charge of the Council of Trent.
What is a heretic person?
Who did not agree with the interpretation of the Bible
Say the two main intentions of the Council of Trent
was stopping the ideas and practices of Protestantism. Also, to change some leaders of the Church.
Why did the Council of Trent happen?
As a reaction to the protestantism and reformation
TRUE OR FALSE: Only important members of the church participate of the Council of Trent
When did happen the council of trent?
16th century