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Final Test Preparation

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the phrase(s) on the sentence "The tall girl standing in front of that mirror is smirking really quickly with a vicious smile."
NP (The tall girl standing in front of that mirror), AdjP (standing in front of that mirror), VP (is smirking), AdvP (really quickly with a vicious smile)
Complete the sentence with the correct passive voice word! "The International Space Station (ISS) ________ (currently/run) as a joint project between five space agencies.
is currently being run
Complete the sentence with the correct modal word! “There are enough tomatoes in the fridge. You _____ (not) buy any."
don't have to
Complete the sentence with gerund/infinitive! “I look forward _____ you paint the house."
to helping
Complete the sentence with gerund/infinitive! “Mom is happy  _____ (know) that she is one of the lucky winners.”
to know
Complete the sentence with gerund/infinitive! “I think Johanna is blaming John ______ (ruin) his science project.
about ruining
Is there any gerund/infinitive on the sentence “Sleeping 8 hours is very important for our body.”?
Yes. (Sleeping = gerund as subject)
Complete the sentence with the correct modal word! “I ______ speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I
could; can
Complete the sentence with the correct modal word! “Take this umbrella. It _____ rain later.”
Complete the sentence with the correct modal word! “This is a hospital. You ____ (not) smoke here!”
must not (mustn't)
Change the sentence “The class had answered every question.” into a passive voice!
Every question had been answered by the class.
Change the sentence “Scientists may discover the origins of the universe.” into a passive voice!
The origins of the universe may be discovered by scientists.
How many AdvP can you find on the sentence “Sally brought a painting home from school to show to her mother.”
1 (to show to her mother)
How many AdvP can you find on the sentence “The carpenter hit the nail with a hammer very slowly.”?
2 (with a hammer & very slowly)
How many AdjP can you find on the sentence “She had the most silky, smooth, and radiant hair I’ve ever seen.”?
1 (the most silky, smooth, and radiant)
How many AdjP can you find on the sentence “He’s led a very interesting life.”?
1 (very interesting)
How many VP can you find on the sentence “I will be going to college next year.”?
1 (will be going)
How many VP can you find on the sentence “She had been living in London.”?
1 (had been living)
How many NP can you find on the sentence “She was reading a book about the emancipation of women.”?
1 (a book about the emancipation of women)
How many NP can you find on the sentence “A vase of roses stood on the table.”?
2 (a vase of roses & the table)