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Q2 7th grade Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sound travels best through which state of matter?
Sound is not vibrations: true or false
false, sound is vibrations
The effects of heat can be evidenced in 2 ways:
By contact or at a distance
Name 5 physical changes.
State change, deformations, change in position, Expansion, contraction.
Name 5 chemical changes.
Burning paper, metabolism, photosynthesis, combustion, explosions, Oxidization
What are the two types of changes matter can go through?
Physical and chemical
Which system is involved in the 3rd stage of the interaction function?
Locomotor system
Which system is involved in the 2nd stage of the interaction function?
Nervous system
Which system is involved in the 1st stage of the interaction function?
Sensory system
Give an example of something which has thermal energy.
fire, the sun, humans, lava, hot water, steam, computers and phones which have been on too long.
Give an example of something which has chemical energy.
oil, coal, gas, food, fireworks, explosives, combustibles
Give an example of something which has electrical energy.
phone, computer, ps4, headphones, mouse, microphone, etc
Give an example of something which has luminous energy.
lightbulb, electronic screens, lamp, flashlight, fire, the sun, lava, etc.
Give an example of something which has kinetic energy.
Person walking, plane flying, car driving, ball rolling, sound, anything moving.
In magnetism, which charges attract and which repel?
Like poles repel, and opposite poles attract.
In static electricity, which charges attract and which repel?
Like charges repel, and opposite charges attract.
In a circuit, receptors do what?
Recieve the electrical current and use it.
In a circuit, conducting cables do what?
Allow the electrical current to flow to the different components.
In a circuit, a generator does what?
Generates the electrical current contained in the circuit
In a circuit, a switch does what?
Turns off the current
What is magnetic energy?
Energy of metals which attract
What is electrical energy?
Energy of electricity and its movements
What is chemical energy?
Energy stored in matter
What is Luminous energy?
Energy of light
What is kinetic energy?
Energy of movement
What is a heterogeneous mixture? Give 5 examples.
A mixture where the components are not uniform and are visible. E.g.,pizza, cereal, salad, hamburger, garbage, pencil case, etc.
What is a homogeneous mixture? Give 5 examples.
A mixture where the components are uniform and not visible. E.g., Plastic, glass, orange juice, liquid soap, soy sauce, paper, coffee, hot chocolate, etc
What are the 2 types of mixtures?
Heterogeneous and homogeneous.
What is the formula for density?
Mass divided by volume
What is density?
The relationship between the mass and volume of an object.
What is volume?
The amount space an object occupies.
What is mass?
The amount of matter in an object
Name 5 renewable sources
Name 3 non renewable sources
Coal , Oil, Gas, Nuclear
Illness or symptom: COVID
Illness or symptom: Headache.
Name 2 non infectious illnesses.
Cancer, diabetes, obesity, malnutrition, depression, allergies, traumas
Name 2 contagious illnesses.
COVID, AIDS, flu, cold, etc
Name 2 infectious illnesses
COVID, AIDS, SALMONELLA, flu, cold, tetanus, etc
What are the 3 states of matter?
solid, liquid, gas
What is the difference between an infectious illness and a contagious illness?
Infectious illnesses are caused by one of the 4 infectious agents, contagious illnesses can be passed to someone healthy
What are the 4 infectious agents which enter our bodies?
Fungi, Protozoa, bacteria, virus
What do antibiotics do?
Cure infections
What do painkillers do?
Relieve pain
What do vaccines do?
Prevent illnesses
Name the 3 types of medicine which help humans.
Vaccine, painkillers, antibiotics
Name 3 bones found in my leg/foot
Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals, Meta tarsals, Phalanges
Name 3 bones found in my arm/hands.
Humerus, Radius. Ulna, Meta carpals, carpals, Phalanges
What are the 3 types of bones?
Long, short, flat
What does the interaction function do for us?
Allows us to interact and respond to stimuli in our surroundings.
What are the 3 stages of the interaction function?
Detect stimuli, Generate orders, Respond to orders