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Mindset 1 Unit 5 Listening

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are people encouraged to consume too much these days, and if so, how?
What do you think the phrase 'retail therapy' means?
Shopping to improve your emotional state/ mental health or to simply relax and unwind.
What is a 'a receipt' and can you pronounce this word correctly?
Proof of purchase.
What do you think the neologism 'shopaholic' means?
Someone addicted to shopping.
What does 'window shopping' mean?
Looking at items in shops, but not necessarily with the intention of purchasing them. Browsing.
Name three advantages of shopping online as opposed to shopping in a mall?
Very convenient / Easy to compare prices / delivery / widest range of items for sale possible / avoid Covid-19
What does 'to find (or get) a bargain' mean?
To buy something more cheaply than is expected.
If the seller says of the item price, "it's a deal, it's a steal, it's the sale of the century!" Does that mean they believe it to be expensive or cheap?
What is another way of saying 'half price'?
50% off / 50 per cent discount.
Can you think of another way of saying 'a good selection'?
A wide variety.
Name three advantages a shopping mall has over a traditional market?
Wider range of goods / Nicer atmosphere and enviroment / air conditioning / fashionable brands / Electronic goods / more parking space.
What do people do at shopping malls other than shop?
Hang out and be seen / take selfies / eat at the food court.
What is a 'chain store'? Can you name any examples?
One of a series of stores owned by one company and selling the same merchandise.
What does 'consumerism' mean?
The preoccupation of society with the acquisition of consumer goods. OFTEN DEROGATORY.
Name five different places to shop.
Shopping Mall / Supermarket / market / local shop / coffee shop / department store / shopping centre.
Name three advantages a market has over a shopping mall?
Fresher / supports local business / Friendlier / Traditional / Less polluting / more convenient.