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Vocabulary 2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-You always have to thing how to become that you want.
2.-Become better, become more, just become some good thing at the life is what i want.
1.-Criminals make bad things and perhaps they destroy some lifes just to make her lifes better.
2.-Some criminals do more that remove things.
1.-I didn´t have magazine in my house.
2.-My dad mom read magazine sometimes.
1.-We have to search to what we are good and make then your atributte.
2.-All people enjoy or are better at different things those are our attributes and that makes us.
1.-When i was a kid i remember that strawberry shortcake? was my favorite character.
2.-I love that funny characters in movies hahaha.
1.-When i finish to read a book i like to do a little mental summary of all that happen.
2.-If I recommend a movie I like to give a short summary so that they are interested.
1.-If you use mask you gonna be prevent to a virus.
2.-If you be prevent for every in your life you don´t gonna have any problem, hurt so many that is not possible.
1.-Over population is a bad thing, some day we gonna be down of the planet if we continue living like this.
2.-In some countries we have overpopulation.
1.-I was searching the meaningful to this math operation.
2.-Some people don't find meaningful in life, I think I'm one of them too.
1.-I talk some much with my family at the dinner.
2.-When i was more kid y talk with my imaginary friend, now he just appear in dreams.
1.-I think youth can be the best stage of a life beacuse you are didn´t old an your are didn´t young you are just in the middle
2.-When you are youth you have to be prepared to be adult in some time,
1.-I replace all my old toys for new toys.
2.-The snakes replace her skin.
1.-When i was very lose in a place if didn´t concetrate i dont take conscious of anything.
2.-I was searching my headphones when i take consicous and i see that i have then in my hand.
1.-I manipulate my body just moving her like i want.
2.-1 type of manipulation is mental manipulation it is bad.
1.-In the world we exist esential works.
2.-The food is esential for the life
1.-We are good in everything just we have to search the tecnique.
2.-We exist teniques to do the things
1.-I have a good average in my notes.
2.-Have a good average in everything is important.
1.-Some day im gonna be a mature person if i don´t die.
2.-My grandmother is mathure, she is very inteligent :).
1.-Have a good diet is important.
2.-Have a good diet make you healty
1.-Some persons made there beauty with things like makeup.
2.-All the persons are beauty.