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A2 Revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make 3 questions using Present Simple
Make 3 questions using Past Simple
Did... ?
What do you do in the morning? (Present Simple)
I + infinitive
Make 3 plans for the future (be going to)
I'm going to +infinitive
Talk about one of your favourite weekends (Past Simple)
What's happening in your life? (Present Continuous)
I'm verb+ing...
Name 5 things in your house (there is / there are)
There is a/an... There are...
Name 2 things you CAN do and 2 things you CAN'T do
I can... I can't
What are these (opposite) adjectives?
old/young / hot/cold / strong/weak
What are these (opposite) adjectives?
right/left / old/new / rich/poor
What are these (opposite) adjectives?
cheap/expensive / same/different / fast/slow
What are these (opposite) adjectives?
clean/dirty / easy/difficult / full/empty
What are their jobs?
doctor / musician / barber / waiter
What are their jobs?
builder / chef / engineer / soldier
Can you name the seasons?
Summer / Winter / Spring / Autumn
What's the weather like today?
It's hot / It's cloudy / It's raining / etc.
What are these verbs?
sing / hear / help / use
What are the verbs?
meet / paint / draw / see/watch
What are the verbs?
find / forget / tell / give
What are the verbs?
do / call / swim / try
What are these things?
ID card / newspaper / bag / pencil / magazine / watch
What are these things?
tissue / photo / phone charger / umbrella / key / phone
What are these things?
coin / folder / laptop / glasses / diary / wallet
What are their jobs?
Flight attendant / Police officer / Receptionist / Teacher