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Les animaux

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is fin?
une nageoire
What is claws?
les griffes
What is snout?
un museau
What is beak?
un bec
What is fur?
la fourrure
What is mane?
une criniere
What is paw?
une patte
What is wing?
une aile
What is tail?
une queue
What is whale?
une baleine
What is shark?
un requin
What is alligator?
un alligator
What is crocodile?
un crocodile
What is rhino?
un rhinoceros
What is hippo?
un hippopotame
What is zebra?
un zebre
What is monkey?
un singe
What is giraffe?
une giraffe
What is elephant?
un elephant
What is cougar?
un puma
What is squirrel?
un ecureuill
What is wolf?
un loup
What is fox?
un renard
What is lion?
un lion
What is tiger?
un tigre
What is bear?
un ours
What is deer?
un cerf
What is snake?
un serpent
What is guinea pig?
un cobaye
What is hamster?
un hamster
What is bird?
un oiseau
What is rabbit?
un lapin
What is fish?
un poisson
What is cat?
un chat
What is dog?
un chien
What is goose?
une oie
What is duck?
un canard
What is horse?
un cheval
What is sheep?
un mouton
What is goat?
une chevre
What is turkey?
une dinde
What is chicken?
un poulet
what is cow?
un vache
What is pig?
un cochon
what is wild animal?
un animal sauvage
What is pet?
un animal de compagnie
What is farm animal?
un animal de ferme
What is animal?
un animal