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A2 - Semester 1 Revision
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are these jobs?
Doctor / Musician / Barber / Waiter
What are these jobs?
Builder / Chef / Factory worker / Soldier
Can you name these continents?
North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
What are these countries & nationalities?
France/French, Switzerland/Swiss, Czech Republic/Czech
What are these countries & nationalities?
Mexico/Mexican, the USA/American, Germany/German
What are these countries & nationalities?
spain/spanish, poland/polish, england/english
What are these (opposite) adjectives?
old/new, hot/cold, strong/weak
What are these (opposite) adjectives?
right/left, old/new, rich/poor
What are these (opposite) adjectives?
cheap/expensive, same/different, fast/slow
What are these (opposite) adjectives?
clean/dirty, easy/difficult, full/empty
What are these (opposite) adjectives?
good/bad, big/small, safe/dangerous
What time is it?
it's five to eleven / it's ten fifty five
What time is it?
it's a quarter past four / it's four fifteen
What time is it?
it's twenty five past five / it's five twenty five
What time is it?
it's ten to eight / it's seven fifty
Say 3 things you don't mind doing
I don't mind verb+ing
Say 3 things you don't like or hate doing
I don't like/hate verb+ing
Say 3 things you like or love doing
I like/love verb+ing
Say 3 things you do on Sundays (Present Simple)
Say 3 things you do on Saturdays (Present Simple)
Say 3 things you do in the evening (Present Simple)
Say 3 things you do in the afternoon (Present Simple)
Say 3 things you do in the morning (Present Simple)