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Vocabulary 2

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Real Estate: We're going to buy a piece of real estate.
Noun The real estate market in Spain is our professional environment.
Paradise: His idea of paradise is to spend the day lying on the beach.
Noun The island of Cyprus is a paradise for tourists.
Properties: The club does not accept responsibility for loss of or damage to club members' personal property.
Noun The property is very comfortable and in a good location.
Extraordinary: He told the extraordinary story of his escape.
Adjective We had an extraordinary view of the Copper Canyon from our hotel room.
Yurt: A circular tent of felt or skins on a framework of poles, used by nomads in Central Asia
Noun Yurts are now used for camping in some Western countries
Tepee: A cone-shaped tent made with animal skins or canvas on a frame of poles
Noun Teepees were used by Native Americans who lived on the plains
Studio Apartment: A small apartment that has a single room with a small kitchen and a bathroom
Noun Even the studio apartments in New York are expensive
Row House: One of a row of houses that shares a wall with the houses either side of it
Noun The walls in my grandparents´ row house were so thin they could always hear what the neighbors were doing.
Ranch: A large farm where cattle, sheep and horses are raised and can graze out in the open
Noun My grandpa used to work on a ranch.
Motor Home: A vehicle with kitchen, bathroom and sleeping facilities
Noun Grandpa drove his motor home from Omaha to Sioux City
Mansion: A large, grand house
Noun The millionaire lived in a mansion surrounded by tall fences
Log Cabin: A house made from tree trunks
Noun Log cabins were first built in Norway
Igloo: A dome-shaped Inuit house built of blocks of ice and snow
Noun The word "igloo" means "house" in Inuit
Houseboat: A boat used as a home
Noun Jack lives on a houseboat in the harbor
Duplex: A house that is divided into two separate apartments, each with its own entrance
Noun My family lives in a duplex
Cottage: A small, simple house in the countryside, sometimes used by farmworkers or for vacations
Noun We rented a cottage for the summer.
Chalet: A wooden house or cottage with a sloping roof, typically in the Alps
Noun A chalet is a traditional house in the mountains of Switzerland.
Cave: An underground chamber in a hillside or cliff with a opening
Noun Caves are often carved out of rocks over a long time by wind or water
Bungalow: A small housen with only one story
Noun Bungalows are often built near beaches or lakes.
Apartment: A dwelling or living space that is part of a larger building
Noun Julian has just bought an apartment overlooking Central Park.