Edit Game
Vocabulary 2 unit 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Beauty-hey that puppy is Beauty
2. hey that cat is Beauty (noun)
Attribute- hey it's an attribute
2.attributed to personality (noun)
Average- That very high Average
2. that average is very low (noun)
Conscious- he is very Conscious
2. he is not Conscious (Adjective)
replace the files in the destination
2. he will replace that person (noun)
hey that's a good technique
2.that is not a good technique (noun)
Summary- summary of your previous attempts
2. summary of your fitness level (noun)
Overpopulation- hey this world is very overpopulation
2. hey overpopulation is good or bad (noun)
Become- hey, he'll become famous
2. hey he doesn't get famous (Verb)
Talk- hey this is about talk
2.hey stop talk (Verb)
Essential- hey that is very essential
2.hey water is very essential (noun)
Prevent- hey you have to prevent hackers
2.hey we have to prevent earthquakes (Verb)
Diet- my diet is very balanced
2. hey that's not a diet (Noun)
Criminal- hey he is a criminal
2. hey that criminal is chased by the police (noun)
Manipulate- hey he is manipulating you
2. hey if he Manipulate you tell the teacher (Verb)
Youth- that was my youth
2. I feel that my youth was very short (Noun)
Character- that character is my favorite
2. that character is the guy from 8 (noun)
Mature- that apple is Mature
2. That kiwi is Mature (Adjective)
Magazine- hey that's one Magazine
2. you have a magazine? (Noun)
Meaningful- hey what is a meaninghey
2.hey that ticket has a meaning (Adjective)