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vocabulary 2 unit 3
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recycle : this is to use things 2 or more times to avoid contamination
Part of speach:VERB.My teacher Cinthya teaches us to recycle
organic : biodegradable thing that does not pollute the world
Part pf speach:ADJECTIVE.My apple is organic cos disappear in 6 months
glass : hard, brittle, transparent or translucent material without crystalline structure
Part of speach:NOUN.my car have four glass my car have four glass
paper : it's something we can replicate and write anything on
Part of speach : NOUN.I have 35 papers in white
plastic : Plastics are synthetic materials obtained through polymerization reactions from petroleum derivatives.
Part of speach:NOUN.my mom has plastic plates
desert : It is a place with drought, and with plants like captus
Part of speach:NOUN.camels live in deserts
Forest : A place with many trees, bushes and flowers that is surrounded by animals
Part of speach:NOUN.Today we go in a forest
Part of speach NOUN.in my country have a lot of landfill in my country have a lot of landfill
predictions : information that is not known if it is true
Part of speach: VERB.Yesterday I read the predictions in the newspaper
search and secure dog : They are security trained dogs.
Part of speach:NOUN.the police officer have a search and secure dog
relief worker : they are people who are dedicated to rescuing people
Part of speah: NOUN. My mom is a relief worker
first responder : are the people that their job are help people
Part of speach:NOUN.policemen, firefighters and doctors are first rresponder
shelter : it is a place for the homeless
Part of speach:NOUN.in USA are a lot of shelter
missing people : missing people is when the people disappear
Part of speach:NOUN.in the street there are posters of missing people
fire : Fire occurs whenever there is a combustible material, in the presence of oxygen at an extremely high temperature
Part of speach: NOUN. in guatemala city there was a fire
famine : is the food shortage
Part of speach: NOUN.Africa is the country with the most famine in the world.
earthquake : this happens when tectonic plates are about to erupt
Part of speach:NOUN.In 1976 there was the strongest earthquake in Guatemala
emergency : emergency is when something happens to someone and they are in a hurry
Part of speach:NOUN.My grandfather have yesterday an emergency
drought : this happens when there is a lack of water
Part of speach: NOUN.in decerts there are always droughts
Natural disaster : It is an event that happens without warning and thanks to nature
Part of speach:NOUN.in china there was a natural disaster