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A1 - Semester 1 Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say 1 thing you always do & 1 thing you never do
I always... / I never...
always / you / shopping / go / work / after / do / ?
Do you always go shopping after work?
What time is it?
five to eleven / ten fifty five
Answer these questions: How often do you go for a walk? Where do you walk?
I got for a walk once/twice/three times a... / I walk in....
Answer these questions: How often do you drink tea? Do you prefer chicken or pork?
I sometimes / usually / never... drink tea / I drink tea once / twice a... / I prefer... because
music / of / kind / does / what / like / he / ?
What kind of music does he like?
What time is it?
a quarter past four / four fifteen
Say 3 things you do on Sundays
I get up at / I walk / I relax / I eat / I go to / I watch / etc.
Say 3 things you do on Saturdays
I get up at / I walk / I relax / I eat / I go to / I watch / etc.
What do they do?
She's a journalist / They're waiters (waiter and waitress) / He's a shop assistant
What does Sakura have for breakfast?
She has fish with rice and green tea (and miso soup)
What time is it?
a quarter to six / five forty five
Say 3 things you do in the evening
I finish work / I go to... / I make dinner / I relax ? I watch / I read / etc.
often / cook / how / you / dinner / do / ?
How often do you cook dinner?
birthday / when / brother's / your / is / ?
When is your brother's birthday?
What does Lucas have for breakfast?
He has toast and fruit with yogurt
What time is it?
twenty five past five / five twenty five
Make a question with 'when' and 'go'
When do you go to work / on holiday / shopping / to the gym / home? etc.
Make a question with 'go' , and 'Tuesday'
Where do you go on Tuesday? Do you go to work on Tuesday?
Say 3 things you do in the afternoon
I go to work / I work / I have lunch / I go shopping / I do / I meet / etc.
What do they do?
She's a teacher / He's a doctor / She's a nurse
Say 3 things you do in the morning
I get up / I read / I have a shower / I have breakfast / I exercise / I walk my dog / etc.
What does Maria have for breakfast?
She has a coffee with milk and a croissant
What time is it?
ten to eight / seven fifty