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What are the 3 three types of lunar eclipses?
Penumbral, Partial and Total Lunar Eclipse
Fact or Myth: Eclipses are harbingers of something very bad about to happen.
What color does the moon look during a lunar eclipse?
Is it dangerous to look at the moon especially during solar eclipse?
A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface
The phase of the moon in which its whole disk is illuminated
Full Moon
The phase of the moon when it is in conjunction with the sun and invisible from earth, or shortly thereafter when it appears as a slender crescent
New Moon
The natural satellite of the earth, visible by reflected light from the sun
The order of the celestial objects during a lunar eclipse
Sun - Earth -Moon
The order of the alignment of the celestial objects during a solar eclipse
Sun, Moon and Earth