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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 words which rhyme with follow
swallow, hollow, wallow, borrow, sorrow, tomorrow, low, furrow
Name 5 foods mentioned in "Hungry for life" song
pasta, sushi, dim sum, stir fry, cereal, orange juice, baked beans on toast, pizza, hummus, soup, pastries, curry, tacos
Anna can’t meet her friends before she _______ her homework, _______ she?
does/ finishes, can
______________ you ______________ of buying that dress today? (think)
Are you thinking ...
If the product ______________ expensive, it ______________ usually good.
is, is
Complete with a/an/the/- : Every month I try _____ different brand of ___ chocolate. There is such _____ wide variety, there is no reason to eat _____ same brand all the time.
a, -, a, the
Complete with a/an/the/- : My father works in _____ shop. _____ shop is in _____ building next to our house.
a, the
What can you do at a communications shop?
Upgrade your smartphone, buy a new mobile phone and accesories
The opposite of sweet is ...
Vegetables in tins that are not fresh or frozen are
Things we own are called our b...
The opposite of cheap
A place with many different kinds of shops is called
a shopping centre
Food that looks and smells tasty is
appetising/ appetizing