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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do people do on Mid Autumn Festival?
People look at the moon and eat moon cakes.
When is Tom Sweeping Day?
It's on April 5th.
During Chinese New Year, people say ____ to each other.
page. 30 Jason's birthday is on December 11th. What will happen to him next week?
He will hear some interesting news on TV.
page. 30 Mary's birthday is on September 20th. What will happen to her next week?
She will fall off her bike.
This is a cup of ____ black tea.
This is an ____ pyramid.
Evona is from France.
She is French.
David is from Singapore.
He is Canadian.
My mother is cooking dinner. She is ____.
as busy as a bee
Tina wins the first prize. She is ____.
as proud as a peacock
Lesson one in easy. Lesson two is difficult. (as..as)
Lesson one is not as difficult as lesson two.
This book is interesting. That book is boring. (as..as)
This book is not as boring as that book.
Can you hear anything? (Yes)
Yes, I can hear something.
You have to go shopping. There isn't ____ in the refrigerator.
he / study at the library / tomorrow (肯/否/疑)
He is going to study in the library tomorrow.
Say three apartment in the department store
clothing, toy, sporting goods, furniture, shoe , supermarket