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End of Year Summary

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is the Patron Saint of Wales?
Saint David
What is Brexit?
The United Kingdom left the European Union
When were the London Olympics?
What was the name of the Queen's husband?
Prince Phillip
Who is this?
Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Which came first, Roman Britain or Viking Britain?
Roman Britain
How many wives did Henry VIII have?
Which countries make up the United Kingdom?
Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Which countries make up Great Britain?
Scotland, England and Wales
In which country is this landmark?
What is the name of this landmark?
Who is the Patron Saint of Ireland?
Saint Patrick
Who is the Patron Saint of England?
Saint George
How many countries have English as an official language?
Finish this Shakespeare phrase: 'The world is your ...'
'The world is you oyster'
In which month is English Language Day celebrated?
Where am I from?
The Lake District
What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?
Big Ben
What do people do on April Fool's day?
Play pranks on each other.
Which animal represents April Fool's Day in France?
A fish.
For how long has the current Queen of England been Queen?
70 years
Who is Meghan Markle married to?
Prince Harry
Which children's story about a rabbit comes from the Lake District?
Peter Rabbit
Who is the Queen of England?
Elizabeth II