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el 6 ~ LLS 3 beijing Q/A

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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which city are Wanda Lou and Cali going after Beijing?
Bangkok, Thailand
make 3 questions from this: we watched the roly-poly bears much on bamboo, do somersaults, and wrestle with each other.
make 3 questions from this: "before leaving Beijing," Miss Chang told Wanda Lou, "you must see the giant pandas. perhaps Li would like to join us."
who is the little girl who joined them to Beijing Zoo?
tell me 1 Chinese custom from the story!
bad luck to drop your chopsticks / place chopsticks on top of your bowl / rude to point a teapot to your guest.
make 3 questions from this: She told us it was built 2,000 years ago to defend China from its enemies.
make 3 questions from this: Miss Chang felt so sorry for Wanda Lou that she invited us to a Peking duck lunch. At lunch, she told us about some unusual Chinese customs
make 3 questions from this: some tourists were rude and shoved and pushed us, and I fell out of my carpetbag without Wanda Lou noticing.
make 3 questions from this: I waited and waited and tried not to be seen, but a Miss Chang saw me and picked me up.
make 3 questions from this: Now The City is open to visitors and thousands of them wander through the 9,999 rooms
make 3 questions from this: In the blink of a cat's eye, we were off to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City