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A Christmas Carol

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to disappear little by little
to fall slowly to a lower level
meaning : to fight with a difficult problem or situation
meaning : to become the husband or wife of someone
Meaning : in a frightened manner
How did Scrooge’s mind change about the carol boy before and after he met the Ghost of Christmas Past?
He wished he had given the boy something.
As Scrooge grabbed the spirit’s hat and put it over the light, what happened to himself and the spirit?
The spirit sank down and Scrooge sank into a deep sleep
Why did the beautiful girl tell Scrooge that she couldn’t marry him?
She thought that Scrooge loved money more than he loved her.
Where did the ghost take Scrooge first?
It took him to his old schoolroom.
What did the Ghost of Christmas Past look like?
A light shone out of its head
What was the spirit carrying?
It carried a cap like a candle snuffer.