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Paired Conjunctions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don’t appreciate it. / You left dirty dishes in the sink.(Combine the two sentences, using a possessive gerund)
I don't appreciate your leaving dirty dishes in the sink.
I was really upset about it. / She lied to me.(Combine the two sentences, using a possessive gerund)
I was really upset about her lying to me.
Leave most of your valuables at home. Keep them in the hotel safe. (either)
Either leave most of your valuables at home or keep them in the hotel safe.
You can help your community by volunteering your time. You can help your community by donating money. (either)
You can help your community either by volunteering your time or by donating money.
In this city, pickpockets are not common. In this city, bad behavior is not common. (neither)
In this city, neither pickpockets nor bad behavior is common.
Tourists carry a lot of cash. Tourists are also out of their comfort zone. (not only)
Not only do tourists carry a lot of cash, but they are also out of their comfort zone.
My uncle isn't willing to give up smoking. My grandparents aren't willing to give up smoking.(neither)
Neither my uncle nor my grandparents are willing to give up smoking.
I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. I worry about the danger to my heath. (not only)
Not only do I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, but I also worry about the danger to my health.
It's rude when people talk on their phones in theaters. It's also rude when they talk on them on buses. (not only)
It’s not only rude when people talk on their phones in theaters, but also when they talk on them on busses.
People should speak up about what bothers them. They should just learn to live with other people's habits. (either)
People should either speak up about what bothers them, or just learn to live with other people’s habits.